Thursday, December 21, 2023

Countdown to Christmas: December 21, 2023

"BRING them to Me." Jesus' words, recorded in Matthew 14:18, may not come to mind when we consider the Christmas season. Until just the other day, they didn't for me. But I'm currently working with a sister in the Lord, and we are exploring John's account of the Feeding of the Five Thousand. John writes that Andrew approached with a young lad's lunch, five barley loaves and two small fish, asking Jesus, "But what are they among so many?" This was a lunch packed for a small boy, insufficient for one grown man, much less five thousand. Matthew records Jesus' response, "Bring them to Me." And with that begins a miracle of abundance. A multitude fed with twelve baskets of leftovers collected when all had eaten as much as they could!

In this season we tend to ruminate on God's Gift to mankind: the coming of the Savior to humanity, paying the penalty for our sin and restoring our relationship with our Creator. Jesus coming to us. But as I read these words the other day, what began to unfold was a picture of every nation, every race and every creed, more than eight billion people today, and the small Babe asleep and far from home. Born to a young virgin whose betrothed had wrestled with the idea of having her put away and their engagement annulled. Born, most likely, amidst shame and speculation, to be raised by parents who, by all indications, were relatively poor and living in a backwater town. What is He among so many?

Well, He was even then --long before then --still is, and forever will be the King of all kings, the Deliverer, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the Creator who speaks galaxies and gardens out of nothing, whose breath gives life to dust; the King who makes priests and rulers from pagans and reprobates. He is the One who, again and again throughout His Word, invites every person to come. His birth was foretold for ages that those in whom godly passion burned might keep watch for His coming and share His promise with others. His betrayal, unjust conviction, brutal beating, ruthless murder, cross and crown of thorns have, by the plan and power of the Living God become the means and hallmarks of His love and His authority over death. He, through His Holy Spirit, still draws men to Himself and has given us the promise of reigning in His Holy Kingdom with Him. The simple mom raising her children, the man with a desire to serve others, the child who only wants to be loved, the addict struggling every day to find wholeness, the prisoner on death row, the patient who has heard the words, "There's nothing more we can do," the lonely college student sitting quietly before a Christmas feast of noodles and canned chicken. What are they among so many? 

BRING them to Me.


    …you made me cry.
