Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas: December 25, 2023

MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you are enjoying this blessed time with your family. I've wrestled with this post for a few weeks now. A simple wish for a merry Christmas? some Bible verses --prophecy fulfilled? But, as the Holy Spirit is wont to do, He shook things up a bit to grab my attention.

I've been reading some books on parenting. In one, there was an exercise which required me to "Describe your image of the ideal father." There were two fathers who immediately came to mind, both fathers of childhood friends with whom I spent quite a bit of time --sleepovers and day trips and such. One father was authoritarian, but gentle and genuine in his approach. The other was more like a buddy --not a peer, necessarily, but he interacted with us regularly. He'd tell jokes and talk about popular TV shows and music. We knew the rules at both homes: the first, because he communicated them clearly; the second... well, I'm not sure why. I don't ever recall rules being the topic of conversation; I don't even recall what the rules were or how they got there. All I know is that we followed them. There was no reason to disobey: we were safe, we were loved, and we had all we could need.

And that brings me to Christmas and the precious Gift of Jesus to the world. Beloved, we are safe in Christ. We are loved enough to die for. And in Him we have all we could need. As you continue in your celebrations, bear in mind our reason to celebrate all year long: the Light of the world alive and living in us through His Holy Spirit, eternal salvation and infinite supply. Blessed be His name!

Merry Christmas!


  1. Amen! I thank God for my wonderful Dad, so steady and unwavering in his love and convictions. Miss him so much...
