Monday, February 20, 2023

Have You Got Time for a Lesson?

When was the last time you were in Sunday school? Maybe your church is blessed to have an adult Sunday school program, but I think most people, upon hearing "Sunday school" have visions of Sword drills and wooden chairs, of an ancient upright piano in the corner and a teacher banging out I'm in the Lord's Army, and maybe, a woven rag rug reserved especially for Bible story time. Personally, I think of my mother cramming fat little legs into tights like sausage casings --mine, not hers. I think of learning to pray with hands folded and eyes closed. I think of a tiny straw basket with change clattering in the bottom and a man named Jack who stole quietly into the classroom with a big old envelope to collect the contents of the basket and count the attendees. I think of a children's Bible spread out on my knees as I was told to read my Bible every day. But, for whatever reason, I didn't get it. I mean, I knew that's what Christians did, I just didn't get the purpose; I didn't understand why they did that.

I thought prayer was something you did because you needed stuff, and if you hadn't thanked God for the stuff He gave you last time, before you asked for more stuff this time, you weren't likely to get it. Gratitude is just polite.

I thought offering was something you gave because the church asked. It would be rude and people would think less of you if you refused when the basket was passed. Giving a quarter is socially acceptable.

I thought Bible reading was for people who really liked to read all those crazy names, and for people who talked like We thank Thee, O Lord and Thou art holy. Bible reading was for people who were really holy, the people God loved.

And, truthfully, I thought these things (or some other "mature" version of this foolishness) for years. By God's grace, He opened my eyes.

I pray because having conversations with those I love is important. I love God, and I want to talk to Him as much as I am able because I love Him the most. I pray because I want Him to talk to me; I listen and make room for Him in the quiet to direct my paths.

I give because I wouldn't have it without God. He is deserving of my worship, and I can worship by giving something back. I give because it reinforces my need for Him and it teaches me just how good He is. He accepts my offering (despite His not needing it, and His having far more than I could ever give) because He wants me to be a part of the good that can be done in His name; He wants me to see cars purchased and wells drilled and electric bills paid, so I can be a part of His kingdom going forth and I can be encouraged by what I see.

I read the Bible because it helps me to know what God has commanded me to do (for my own good and His glory) and keeps me from going my own way. I can read the accounts of those God has called and blessed just like me, and learn from their mistakes, and know that if God helped them, equipped them, forgave them, rescued them, never left them, He will do the same for me. I read so I can share with others the God who loves me and gave His life for me, and they can know Him, too. And I read so that I can live the life Christ purchased for me at the cross, because I can't live it unless I know what it is.

Whatever images Sunday school conjures up for you, I pray they go far beyond fond memories. I pray they were a learning experience for you. I pray you learned the right lessons and learned them well. If not, it's never too late. And it doesn't have to be Sunday.