Monday, December 26, 2022

It's More Than Just a Moment

How was your Christmas? I'm hoping you all had plenty of Hallmark moments to carry you happily through the upcoming year. And that is what we'll be facing next, isn't it? The dawning of a new three hundred sixty-five days to do the right thing or eat the right foods, be more of a free spirit or be less of a pushover, make new friends or be rid of old flames, or whatever things the closing out of one year and the dawning of another seem to require. How long will those resolutions last? A year can be a pretty long time-- maybe too long for some of the happier moments of the last couple of days to weather the storm.

I was reading the account of Joseph and his brothers (Genesis 42-44) the other day. You really need to read it, but I'll give you the condensed version for now. Joseph was one of twelve sons and his father's favorite; naturally, his brothers felt some kind of way about that. So, they sold him --yes, sold him-- to some slave traders who took Joseph away to Egypt. God had already planned Joseph's path for a purpose, so He allowed Joseph to be enslaved, allowed Joseph to earn the respect of his masters, allowed Joseph to be falsely accused, allowed Joseph to interpret dreams, allowed Joseph to be forgotten, and allowed Joseph to once again, earn the respect of his master (Pharaoh himself, this time) and be placed in a position of great authority in Egypt. Fast forward several years, and a famine in Joseph's hometown drives his brothers to Egypt to purchase food, and guess who they have to deal with to get what they need. Yep, Joseph! They don't even recognize him, so Joseph runs a couple of tests, the last and greatest being the planting of evidence in Joseph's younger brother's luggage. Now, with the disappearance of Joseph years before, his younger brother, Benjamin, had become his father's favorite. To have his son imprisoned or worse, would have killed their father with grief. The brothers tear their clothes in anguish and throw themselves upon the mercy of this "Egyptian," Joseph. Judah, chief suspect in the conspiracy to make Joseph disappear all those years before, now stands in the gap for his baby brother, Benjamin, and offers his life for his brother's. (All sorts of Messianic references there! Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah; it is Judah who offers his life for another, much the same as Jesus gives His life for ours at the cross... But all of that will have to wait for another day; I have a point to make.) The brothers who, years before cared so little for their father's well-being they sold his son, who cared so little for one of their own they sought to profit from his pain, now grieve the thought of their brother being made to pay the price for his guilt, false or otherwise. This is the Hallmark moment, the happy ending we all long for! Isn't this what makes a great story?

Well, it wasn't the end, and it's not just a story. And just like those special moments we may have had or, at least, hoped for over the past few days, this was only a snapshot, a brief moment in time in the lives of Joseph and his family. Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, his brothers went back home, fetched their father, and they all lived in Egypt; but happily ever after? They had to walk that reconciliation out. It wasn't all torn clothes and selfless offers for the rest of their lives; it got messy I'm sure. And it's not all gift wrap and Christmas pjs for the next year (or what remains of this one, for that matter). It's going to get messy. There are things that will come in the new year, things you may not have planned or deserved, things that hurt or leave you reeling, and most of them will come about in or because of our relationships. Whatever your resolutions may be, you're going to have to walk that out-- especially if they include relationships and reconciliation. But it will be worth it if you are walking them out in obedience to the Lord. Like Joseph and his brothers who, by God's grace, became the twelve tribes of Israel, the people led out of Egypt and into the land promised to them as an inheritance, God can use our lives to bless others. Look for the Hallmark moments, but live for Jesus.

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