Thursday, August 23, 2018

I'm a Really Big Deal

Brandywine River Museum has been a part of my life since I was a child. If I ever disappeared without warning (of my own volition, of course) it would be one of the first places my family would go looking. The grounds, the architecture and the Wyeth family paintings can keep me enraptured for hours. I feel strangely at home there, whether I am gazing at "James Loper" or exploring the river trail. Strangely, because as much as I have adored everything about the place for as long as I can remember, I never knew I was related to Andrew Wyeth.

Last weekend I was researching a book about a homestead, the owner of which was a documented relation of my father's family. Imagine my surprise when I saw the foreword was written by none other than Andrew Wyeth, relative of my relative. No doubt there are some "third somethings" or some "twice removeds," but I was giddy with excitement. (Fortunately for Scott, giddiness does not preclude rationale, and though I was tempted, I did not awaken him at 4am!) Though I am sure we are related only by a mere marital thread, I had discovered a piece of my history that was a piece of my history! 

But that's just what all of this is -- history -- and a vague, unsubstantiated one at that. As thrilling as it is, it will never change how I live my life or relate to others; my name will remain the same; I inherit nothing and therefore, have nothing I can share with others; and when I am gone, my link will be no more. Maybe you can see where I'm going with all this -- I hope you can. 

I am related -- not ambiguously or distantly, but clearly, closely through adoption -- to the God of the Universe. Maybe you've heard of Him. He paints landscapes and portraits like no other. His work is displayed throughout the galaxies -- farther than the eye can see. He has been creating for millennia and will continue to do so until -- well, eternally! And all of those stars? Yeah, He created them with a mere breath and knows each one by name. (That's my Dad!) And there is no limit to the size and scope of His art; He has created such large works as the Blue Whale and others as small as diatoms. But it's not all visual; He is proficient at body systems and brains, senses and emotions

And He is my Father! Yep! He makes me sort of a big deal. He says He crafted me, planned things for me to do, determines my steps, and loves me so much He gave all just to have a relationship with me. And that relationship has an enormous impact on my life and who I am: I am blessed with every spiritual blessing, I've been given a clean slate, forgiven, accepted and redeemed; I am an heir, chosen and royal and shown mercy. I can walk in love and a peace that passes all understanding; I can boldly enter the throne room of the King of kings to receive mercy and grace whenever I need (which is as often as possible!).

You see what a big deal I am? You can be, too.
"For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." ~ Romans 10:13

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