Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Make a Difference in Someone's Life

It's strange the things that move us. Things that require so little effort, or seem to be second nature to those who do them for us. For instance, there are two moments in my life when I felt love from others like I'd never known. The first, was the last day before maternity leave when I was expecting my son. I was loading and unloading aircraft, leading a crew of men the likes of which I've never had the pleasure of leading again. They were blue collar; most were opinionated; they had their differences, but they worked each day as one. And they could keep a secret. These burly, sometimes surly, men threw me a baby shower! It was unbelievable! Watching these men step out of their comfort zone for me was more than touching. Knowing the planning and effort they put into pleasing me, testified they were doing it out of love, and goes only to their credit. They showered me with love that day; the gifts were appreciated, but completely peripheral.

The second occasion was after the birth of my daughter. I had a preschooler, a newborn in the NICU, an extra fifty pounds of baby weight, a new house, a new car, and a restless husband. My neighbor made me dinner. It was that simple -- to her. To me, it was perfection! She had asked what we liked to eat (I will eat anything silly enough to stand still); she had fussed over each element, getting things just right. I can't remember the vegetable for certain -- green beans, maybe; but there was salad and chicken in pastry and some sort of dessert. Everything was packaged neatly for reheating, if necessary (she'd been trying to time it so I didn't even have to do that!), and included plastic ware, paper plates and napkins. It was a beautiful sight; I still see it. And, once again, a gift fashioned in love. (Years later, this wonderful friend would come to my house at 2 AM and stay with my children until I got home from work! That's love.)

I will never forget either of these kindnesses; and the feelings evoked years ago well up afresh when I think of them today. I learned love can come when you need it most, when you least expect it, from the most unlikely sources, or from those who have been there all along; regardless the how and the where, love changes people. Love doesn't always require everything you've got; sometimes love is as easy as helping a sore, lonely someone carry their groceries. Or texting, "Have a great day." Or packing someone's lunch. Or giving someone a big wave from across the parking lot. Or holding someone while they cry. But, until you actually do it, until you put a tiny piece of yourself out there -- just for a second -- you will never know how you can impact a life.

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