Friday, June 29, 2018

Please Do Not Block the Driveway

There is a strange magnetic force on our street. Few people can park in front of our home without overhanging our driveway. Minor infractions I've grown accustomed to, but complete strangers (or selfish, recidivist neighbors) parked half a car-length over the drive when I attempt to leave for work at 2am can cause a bit of an issue. Somehow, though, issues seem to be what God has called His people to do.

That being said, I don't always enjoy it. I know I have an anger problem; and one of the studies I've been doing to address that problem, has me thinking about the things that provoke me to anger. I've been keeping tabs on the time of day, circumstances, the people involved, all to see if there is some underlying issue. I don't simply want to keep from reacting wrongly when angry, I want to keep from being angry when anger is wrong. Surprise! Guess what I found. I have a problem dealing with other people's messes. (Not the most convenient trigger for someone called to help others.)

My job has a distinct element of urgency to it. The other day I was working with some new employees. They asked all the same questions new employees ask, they made some of the same mistakes new employees make; but I found myself getting exceptionally annoyed. I was under pressure to get things finished, and not only were they not doing what I needed them to do, they were creating more work for me. Now, I know that was not their intent, but the imposition and the additional labor put on me was real; I began to feel angry.

Mom has been living with us almost three years. Some days she will attempt to get dressed, rather than wait for my help. Good, right? Unh-uh. Clothes are everywhere, dirty folded up neatly among the clean; her ensemble is Summer with a hint of long johns, slippers with a dash of raincoat. I sort and fold, appraise, undress and restore just so we can get to Start. Undoing someone else's mess.

The fax that must be resent, the late charge wrongfully applied, the cashier's error, the delivery that arrived incomplete -- the do-overs that slow me down, force me off schedule, and drive me wild. And when those do-overs come without so much as an apology or a warning, I feel imposed upon and cheated. Why can't people just do what they're supposed to do? Why must they impose on me? Why must they block my driveway?

Things have changed; life has changed. People are under-trained, under-disciplined and under pressure. Many folks have been taught truth is relative, the world is a very dangerous place, nice guys finish last, and no one is as special as the individual. Our parents are living longer and in need of extra care. This is the world in which we live. And that's not to say we shouldn't seek to bring the Gospel, be the light and change the world, but get upset or angry? As Christians, we need to be about the business of our Father, just as Jesus was; and our Father's business is people. Our Father demonstrated His grace and mercy by sending His only Son that all people might be forgiven and lives made new. Grace. Mercy. Forgiveness. For all.

Even the ones that block the driveway.

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