Tuesday, January 16, 2018

When Push Comes to Shove

I keep this picture close. Not to make light of my sin or natural inclinations, and the power of Christ to forgive, but because she reminds me so much of the war within me. This darling, cotton candy image of innocence within whom lies the ability to eviscerate the first person who crosses her. This representation of who I was without Jesus, and who He is making me to be. This portrait of the princess He has called me to be, and the ruffian I sometimes find myself tempted to unleash. This reminder of how humble I need to be, and that even my desire to be Christlike comes from Him and Him alone. I have not "arrived", nor do I "have it all together." There is still within me an element of sinfulness, a proclivity to just "let it fly." I am a perpetual work in progress. The good you or anyone else sees in me is the Light of the World aglow within this broken vessel.

The Apostle Paul talks about the same struggle in Romans 7:15-20. He knows what he should do, he wants to do it, but sometimes...when push comes to shove... And those things he knows he shouldn't do or say? Somehow, he finds himself giving in to just those things.

1 John 1:9-10, assures us that Jesus forgives all our sin, providing we call it what it is; we don't sugarcoat it and shrug it off as simply "the way God made me." (1 Thessalonians 5:22, commands we reject, abstain from, make a conscious effort to avoid sin.)

The adorable little contradiction in character above reminds me of the struggles others are having as well. Do those Christians around me always act Christlike? No, but as I recognize the dichotomy that exists in me, and understand the power of the Lord Jesus Christ's blood over my sin, I must know it exists in others as well, and extend the same grace and forgiveness to them as well. As a matter of fact, some of the conflicts I experience in my own life are meant to prepare me for the conflicts others face -- to counsel them or walk with them through it. The brokenness within them is humanity, but the good within them is a gift from the Lord for which I need to be thankful, and cherish every moment.

God's grace is not cheap. Sin is not thoughtlessly swept under the rug. But, praise God, He understands our humanity and loves us deeply. Even when push comes to shove.

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