Friday, January 19, 2018

What Can God Do with Regret?

The other day, someone was talking about regret. They posed the question, "If you could go back to any moment in time, and reverse the decision you made -- just one moment -- what would that be?" My mind immediately went to a time years ago, I asked God for a sign. Now, those of you who believe we are never to ask God for a sign can simply say, "Well, there you go," and stop reading. Those of you who believe asking God for a sign, for confirmation or clarification is alright, you might ask, "Well, what's wrong with that?" For the sake of brevity, I'll just tell you, what I wanted to do -- what I was already pretty well engaged in -- was sinful in the first place. Asking God to approve of something that is an offense to Him is not quite the same as asking Him what He wants you to do. You might get a sign, but it's not going to be good, and it might not be from Him.

So that moment was my initial response to the time travel, decision reversal, "redo" question. However, the memory had not even completely formed when I began to think of all the things that happened as a direct result of that decision: purchasing a house -- the house that is now our home; having my second baby, the beautiful and talented Teenie Weenie, who has extended our family by three equally fabulous people; meeting the wonderful woman and friend with whom Mom and I recently had lunch, G; a painful divorce which led to relationships with Jesus, Scott and three very special children; wisdom, wisdom, wisdom; watching my Father God provide for me in ways He -- no doubt -- would have years before when I was so busy seeking His approval of my plan rather than following His. On and on I could go about the blessings that came about despite a terrible decision, a moment in time I regret. So, was it a good decision? Absolutely not, but I saw God's grace. Blessing I did not -- I do not deserve. Beauty from ashes. Breathless wonder from a broken life. And it is so sweet and precious to me.

If you are living with regret, seek His forgiveness. Surrender your life, that He might do what He so expertly, so powerfully does. Seek His will, rather than asking Him to approve of yours. Give Him your mountains, your molehills, your blemishes and scars; give Him your pain and your failure. Worship and serve God and God alone. And be called His own. 

I will always regret the moment I grieved the Lord, and hurt others. But the loving God I serve has made certain I cannot look back at that decision without peering through years of blessing He so graciously has given me since.  

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