Thursday, April 18, 2024


It's been almost six months since my mother was completely released from the bonds of humanity. It sounds glorious, doesn't it? No more pain and confusion; no more waking up to unfamiliar faces. Mom is youthful, not just restored, but made whole --a wholeness she could never truly experience in this world! Where do I sign, right? Well, if you know Jesus, yours is coming. The One who is faithful and true, the One who keeps His promises has given His Spirit as a pledge of His word. And while all of that brings me tremendous comfort, my mother's absence has left a void so large I am still discovering its depths.  

Today, for instance, arrived as perfect walking weather. Lu and I and others from our neighborhood took advantage --including one of my mother's old friends just emerging from the winter. Of course I said hello, and of course he asked for my mom. She passed in October, I said gently. My condolences to you and your family, he replied. And I thought that was nice. Some part of my soul needed that. Almost six months later, I could finally receive it. At the time of her death, so many wonderful people wrote and texted and spoke beautiful sentiments, sweet remembrances of her, and kindnesses I could have never imagined! I was surrounded by love, but I was so numb and, at the same time, so overwhelmed by the compassion of others, it was difficult to process all of those things occurring simultaneously. Grief and comfort, pain and love, attempts to keep my heart in check so life could continue, focusing on "the good" I knew to be true over "the bad" I knew to be equally true. But today, with those kind words --My condolences to you and your family -- my heart felt the pain of loss but truly received comfort for the first time. No brushing it off as though I needed to hold it together, no clock ticking within my head,  measuring the time I'm in my feelings; just an experience of blessing in grief. Blessing.In.Grief. Not in place of, but all the while. 

In this world you will have trouble; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. ~ John 16:33

The Greek word translated "trouble" in this Scripture means oppression, affliction, distress, tribulation. This is going to hurt! It will not be easy! We will grieve, we will fall down, we will lose friends and be overdrawn on our accounts; we will receive death sentences and divorce papers and pink slips; we will watch our children walk away from every good thing we taught them and gave them; we will be falsely accused, we will question our faith, we will watch our dreams go up in smoke, we will be tempted by something so strong it makes our bodies ache. But be of good cheer, keep your head up, have courage, take comfort, imitate Christ, remain kind, guard your tongue, worship, hope. Why? Because Jesus has overcome all of that! We can sing and laugh while we weep and strive. In Christ, we have life, and abundantly

Jesus is brutally honest when He says this physical world will make it difficult for us to live spiritually; it can draw us away from eternity by its troubles (and sometimes by its pleasures). But by His power, trusting what He says is true, and hoping in all He has promised (guaranteed by what He has already done!), we can know that in God's time, relief, rescue, glory will come. We may not yet be completely released from the bonds of humanity in that we still reside here in flesh and bone, but in Christ, our spirits are free from following the dictates of this world's travails. We can bear loss and sadness deep within our souls because we have truth and hope. We can feel the weight of childlessness in our bodies because we have truth and hope. Our stomachs can growl with hunger while we stand on truth and have hope. Our very bones can ache from the illness that threatens to steal our joy, but one need not supplant the other; we stand on truth and hope. Our lives are built on Jesus while we traverse this physical realm, while we experience its limitations and adversities. Physical coexisting with spiritual. Because of Jesus, however, our spirit is not beholden to the physical; the spirit alone is eternal and imbued with the power that raised Jesus from His grave. Joy in pain. Peace in turmoil. Worship in fearfulness. Blessing in grief. 

And, as always, it is my prayer that you are found in Jesus on the day you too are completely released from the bonds of humanity.

Photo courtesy LuAnn Martin