Monday, November 6, 2023

Trust Him Today

"It's strange to me how often I'm tempted to trust God with my eternity, but not my present."
~ Ian Simkins 

This is the quote I posted on the Broken to Breathless Facebook page a while back. A friend responded, "Ouch." To which I replied, "Exactly!" (I'm really glad I'm not alone in this.) When I read the above quote, I saw something in it that reminded me of me. I wake up every morning, praise Him for who He is, surrender my day to Him, ask Him to show me where He wants me to go, say Let it be so, and begin the day. Sometimes, before noon, I've crashed and burned: I've been jealous of someone, I've had an unkind thought, I've grumbled about something. In the passing of just a couple of hours, this train has left the track. Now, it doesn't mean I'm not saved. It doesn't mean God is waiting in the wings to ZAP me for my misdeeds. But it does mean something is not right --me, or rather, my trust in Jesus.

You see, I know I am saved because I know who Jesus is. I know His blood, His death on the cross was the substitute for the penalty I deserved. I know an innocent Jesus endured the wrath of God meant for me, so I wouldn't have to. I know His resurrection proves He is God, that His sacrifice was sufficient, and forgiveness is complete, and that I, too, will be resurrected one day because of Jesus, my Advocate and Proxy. I know all of this! But do I trust, day by day, moment by moment that just as His love covers the multitude of my sins, it covers the sins of those who wrong me? Do I trust that I have been given a spirit of power and love-- not fear; so I don't have to react out of fear when someone gets something I don't, something I think I need? Do I trust Jesus with His plan for the time He gives me, so much so that I don't complain when others ask me to do something a little extra for them, or the person I asked to be ready by 9 AM thought I meant 11:15?

When we find ourselves stumbling and fumbling throughout our days, chances are, it's because we are not trusting Jesus with what's going on. Yes, Jesus, I trust You to prepare a place for me in heaven! I trust You to give me a new body without Sjogren's or cancer or back problems. Hallelujah!! Jesu-- Hey, Bob! What do you mean you can't pay me this week! Why you cheap --I'm calling the union! You're not gonna get away with this, you no good so-and-so! See how quickly things can turn? Easy to trust Jesus for the things we can't cure or fix or the problems we can't solve; but give us the wrong change or an unfair grade and see how quickly --and how aggressively --we step up to make things right (for us). So much for trusting Jesus.

Have you ever been driving along in the car, thinking of the goodness of the Lord, maybe even praying or singing along to your favorite Christian songs? Suddenly, someone cuts you off and you let it fly! Maybe not a purple word, maybe not a hand gesture, but you are just wishing there was a cop hiding up ahead. You would love to see Jesus give this guy exactly what he deserves.

Do you trust Jesus?

Do you trust that He may have a reason for showing "this guy" mercy?

Do you trust that He protected you from an accident?

Do you trust that in light of eternity, what place you are in at the next traffic light only has relevance if Jesus says it has relevance? and that if it's relevant to Him, He will make it so?

Do you trust that He can use even a reckless driver to show you areas in which you are lacking trust?

One of the best lessons Jesus has taught me regarding relationships is trust. Full disclosure: I do not always apply what I've been taught, but I've gotten better! Good relationships require trust --not always in others, but definitely in Him. I mean, we all have relationships we choose: friendships, marriages. And then there are those in which we've not necessarily been given a choice: neighbors, coworkers, in-laws, even our own children. None of us is perfect, and we are all different. Those two factors alone can make relationships tricky. Add in trauma and people set in their ways and cultural differences --that can bring things to a whole 'nother level! Of course, there are issues we can discuss, things we can agree to disagree about, or even concede in order to keep the peace, but so many times Jesus has whispered to me, "Just pray." Is it worth asking her again to stop talking with her mouth full? Should I be that bothered by his reluctance to silence his phone during church? How many times should I confront her about putting her purse on the kitchen counter? Just pray.

Jesus is able. He can take care of the things we refuse to allow to divide us. He can change our hearts and the hearts of those for whom we pray. He has been changing lives in much greater ways for thousands of years now. We can trust Him with our present as well as our eternity.

Do you trust Jesus? for the big? for the small? for eternity? and for today?

Photo courtesy LuAnn Martin

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