Thursday, October 12, 2023

Are You Listening?

I know there are people out there, people who can read and write while listening to music. I've heard of you. Your fame is known throughout all the land. I'm not entirely sure whether I admire you or question your humanity. I can't do it. Most of the people I know can't do it. Especially if said music contains words. However, just the other morning, I was listening to a classical piece --no words, of course --and I realized I was reading and comprehending, simultaneously. Strangely enough, I was reading an article about intentional Scripture study, specifically, not being a passive listener. I wrote the words in my journal: NOT A PASSIVE LISTENER. What I discovered, however, was that comprehension did not extend to the music. I could not tell you what movement we were in or what movement I last heard; I could not tell you the name of the piece. My connection with the music was completely non-existent. I was aware there was music, obviously, but I could not even promise you that sometime during my reading someone had not come in and substituted Dvorak's 7th Symphony with the theme from Love Story. When it came to the music, I was a passive (at best) listener.

Does this sum up your prayer life? Dear Jesus, thank You fo-- gotta wash the car, make a vet appointment, call the sitter... Or maybe it's a picture of the way you do church. Open your Bibles to Romans 8-- and suddenly the pastor's voice sounds more like Charlie Brown's teacher, and the only thing your brain seems to want to focus on is why Sister Moore has worn those same trousers three Sundays in a row. For some time, it was the way I studied Scripture. Page after page, Scripture after Scripture, but I was only consuming, not savoring, not meditating, not making much of anything permanent. My goal --completing this chapter, getting through this study --took precedence over what God was speaking to me. I don't have time to listen to that right now, God; I gotta get this done. I'll think about it as I'm driving to work. But, surely enough, those things I ignored I continued to ignore. So busy, busy.

So, what is the posture of an active listener? In Luke 10:38-42, we get a picture of the active listener in Mary, Martha and Lazarus' sister. While Martha is running about, multi-tasking, getting ready the food that will fill stomachs, Mary is seated at Jesus' feet looking for the food that will fill her heart. It says that while Mary was seated and presumably quiet before her Teacher, Martha was distracted. Sure, she had an ear to the goings-on in the family room; sure, she heard Jesus' voice, but she was distracted. The thing that had Martha's full attention was the serving. Mary heard the words of Jesus. What is implied by the Greek word used here, is that Mary continually listened; it was a focused, exclusive, anticipatory type of hearing, not an awareness of background noise to accompany her own thoughts. Martha lamented, her sister had left her to do the work. Mary removed herself physically from that which would have distracted her; she removed herself mentally from other things --she wasn't even thinking how much time was left on the leg of lamb; she abandoned her sister, not waiting around to see if her sister would put down the whisk and she, too, would have a seat; she left with no regard to natural consequences. And what did Jesus say about that? Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her. Martha was worried and troubled about many things, but Mary was focused on only one, the only One, Jesus. 

So, what's going on in your quiet time with Jesus? Is your phone silenced? Is your to-do list forgotten? Are you comfortably seated, or are you fidgeting, eager to get to the things your life is "really all about"? Are you slowly savoring God's Word, or are you consuming Scripture with the same mindless haste you scarfed down that protein bar on your way out the door last evening? Are you distracted by what's going to happen if the dryer shuts off halfway through your quiet time, or are you prepared to throw in a wet towel and start the process all over again? Is the Holy Spirit present, in the forefront of your thinking, or is His voice merely background noise? Are you worried and troubled about many things, or are you actively, exclusively, purposefully anticipating the voice of the Holy Spirit? 

The Word of God planted deeply within your heart, watered and given the proper time to take root will not be taken from you.

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