Monday, July 31, 2023

Do You Give Jesus His Due?

We seem to give a lot of thought to what we as human beings deserve. We expect certain things for ourselves. We decide what should be allotted to others. There are concepts like generosity and boundaries: we don't want to enable but we do want to help and fix what seems to be broken. What sort of intervention does the situation warrant? What sort of assistance does the person warrant? Measuring. Jesus talks quite a bit about measuring and judging, and quite frankly, many of these verses are misquoted and used by the ignorant and nominally religious to tell faithful Christians we should not judge things like good fruit from bad, or wolves in sheep's clothing from the sheep. NOT what Jesus meant, but that's a topic for another day. What is on my mind today is measurement, equivalency, God's economy.

Do you give Jesus His due?

Please don't just read that. Please don't leave the question unanswered. Take as much time as you need and answer honestly, I'll wait.

I don't. That's it. That's my answer. And, in order to move forward with this, there's no way I can. I am finite. My mind is sometimes dim; there are truths in God's Word that time and understanding have not yet enabled me to plumb. My vocabulary is limited and I am unable to express all I feel and all of the unfathomable qualities Jesus possesses. I am trapped within a body that requires sleep, on a planet that requires me to breathe oxygen, in a society that requires me to work; I cannot exalt His name 24/7, sing His praises every second of the day, and keep my mind steadfastly on His glory at all times. BUT, in the moments I am awake, with the breath I have remaining, when my thoughts are not obliged to my schedule for next week or the email to Phil in Accounting, do I give Jesus His due? I don't.

And that's where the measuring thing comes in. He loves me anyway; the things He has done for me --His death on the cross, giving me His Holy Spirit, the wisdom of the Scriptures-- will never be retracted because I fail Him. Abundance in exchange for ashes; I'm not expected to "repay" Him. That, in and of itself is an unspeakable gift! But it is His marvelous, creative, faithful, magnanimous, vouchsafing, gracious, merciful, peaceful, and mighty nature that makes Him worthy of every ounce of glory I can give. He gave, is giving, and will give His all for me; I want to have the same thing said of me for Him. I want my heart to change so my answer will change. I want to put safeguards and self-checks in place. I want to place reminders everywhere to draw my attention to the only One worthy of everything I've got. I want to fill my schedule with praise and adoration as intentionally as I fill my schedule with grocery lists and birthdays and videos to "Watch Later." I want honoring my Lord and Savior to be as much a part of my being as drinking coffee or writing. But all of this requires more than a desire. Worshipping someone other than ourselves goes against our human nature; being grateful is difficult in a world that will chew you up and spit you out as soon as look at you. A changed heart, a mind that is trained first and foremost on God and His Kingdom, a schedule that reflects an impeccable and purposeful devotion to the Lord, and an essence inhabited by love, honor, and obedience requires discipline. Over the next few posts? weeks? I plan --Lord willing-- to share with you some practical disciplines I have prayed about and am implementing that my heart might be drawn into a perpetual posture of praise. It is my hope and prayer that as I ask myself this question again and again (and I pray you will join me in asking it of your life), my posture will improve, my life will be aligned more closely with Jesus' design for it, and He will be glorified.

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