Monday, May 31, 2021

Love Him Enough, Always

How much do you love the Lord? Do you love Him enough to go to church every week? Do you love Him enough to tell others about Him? Do you love Him enough to talk to Him daily? Do you love Him enough to thank Him when you're sick? or when you lose your job? or when your wife leaves you? or when your child dies? What do you think about people that do?

In all honesty, I used to think that people who could pray for murderers or give God praise after they'd lost a loved one were a special kind of twisted. I used to think they were waaaay over the line. I didn't know what the Bible taught about it and, frankly, I didn't care. So, what does the Bible teach?

Well, first of all, God is good. Some people say that, and some people actually believe it. It is important to believe it. When the storms of life come and the trouble leaves you in the darkest place you've ever been, chances are your emotions will lie to you. Your focus will turn inward. You will feel you're not going to make it. You will doubt if God cares, or if He's listening, or if He is even still there. You may be sure He is not good. Your brain needs to remember that He is good. Your brain will tell your heart the truth because your brain remembers all the times God was there for you. Your brain will remember other dark days, your brain will remember the doubts you had then, and your brain will remember you were wrong. Your brain will tell your heart to be patient, to just wait and see what God is going to do. Because He is good.

Secondly, God is sovereign. He is God, there is nothing that happens that escapes His knowledge or authority. Alone, this might cause you to blame God and become angry with Him for what has happened, but coupled with the truth that He is good, knowing He is sovereign reassures you there's something better coming. He is doing things you cannot see and maybe cannot understand, but you know He is good and you know He is still on His throne. Have you ever seen those magnified photos of things like a bug's eye or the rind of an orange? Up close you cannot tell what they are; you can't see the big picture. Life is like that -- painful times especially. We see our situation, up close, personal, and little else beyond that. God never loses His perspective. He is on high and transcends our timetable because He is sovereign.

Lastly, God loves you. This is the motivation. This is why He does what He does and allows what He allows and, once again, by itself, may not bring a whole lot of comfort if we're in a dark place. "This is Your idea of love?" I may have said that once or twice back in the day. But God is good. He cannot be anything but good; it would violate His nature. And God is sovereign. He has the power and the authority to do good by whatever means necessary. And He loves you. Therefore you can be assured whatever is going on, He is allowing it for a reason-- a good reason and His love is at the very center of it. "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

So, praise Him in the storm? Go ahead. Be grateful when terrible things befall you? You certainly can. Ask Him to help you love Him enough, 'cause He sure loves you.

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