Monday, May 3, 2021

How Do You Approach Jesus?

How do you approach Jesus? I guess how we approach Him depends on how we feel about Him. For instance, let's say you're walking down the street and you see a crowd. The crowd is moving like it's one body -- just this mass of humanity progressing down the street amoeba-like, shifting and flowing. Some run from the back, spin around, walking backward now at the front of the pack. Some are jumping and bouncing, calling out. There is One whose attention they seek. Who could it be? Suddenly, the crowd parts. You see Him! It's Jesus, and He is looking right at you! Take a minute now. Think about this. What do you do?

If Jesus is simply some rock star, some celeb, you might want to touch Him or ask for an autograph, snap a few selfies. You can speed on home and tell your family and friends. You tweet, you post it on your Insta. You met Him. Now let's check some Powerball numbers -- see if your lucky streak continues.

If Jesus is a Healer or a Waymaker, you might run on up, let Him know what's been going on with you; or "remind" Him of that thing you talked to Him about the other day -- the thing He hasn't fixed yet. You might tell Him "thanks" for all the stuff He's taken care of in the past; let Him know how you've told all your friends, and how sure you are He's gonna take care of this. You might tell Him you'll check in with Him in a day or two, see if there's anything else you can do to speed things up a bit.

If you think Jesus is a Judge, you might just slip on over behind that guy next to you, or duck into a nearby deli. Surely, He knows what you've been up to, and it's not exactly part of who He expects you to be. I mean, how could He want someone dirty like you working for Him? When you told Him you believed He had taken the penalty for your sin, when you said you wanted to follow Him and be like Him, you had no idea how tough it would be. You had no idea your friends would leave and your wife would threaten the same if you went through with that "pastor thing" you'd started talking about. You meant to be good; you really tried. Would He really call you out in front of all these people? Or would He just give you that "I'm really disappointed in you" look? 

But, if you see Jesus for who He is, if you have searched the Scriptures -- sure, you may have missed a day or two, but it's not about that; it's about really persevering, really working to get to know Him -- if you have read His words and spent some time thinking about them, maybe even memorizing them; if you have asked Him to show Himself to you; if you have gotten on your knees time after time, asking Him to show you how to love Him, asking Him to show you things you need to give up so you might be the true representative of His you were meant to be; if you have asked Him to then take those things; if you have thought about dark corners of your life that could use some Light; if you want a clean heart and joy that overflows to others because Jesus the Christ calls you friend -- well, then, you know. You have approached Him many times before, and maybe in many different ways, but you just know.

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