Thursday, April 8, 2021

Curing the Incurable

"Incurable." It's a word no one wants to hear. It usually goes along with other words. Words like "chronic" or "fatal." They are words that have been around since the beginning of mankind. Maybe not in English, but they were definitely there in concept. When we hear words like "incurable" or "chronic," our minds immediately go to certain diseases or physiological conditions. Rarely do we think of spiritual condition. But, it was the spiritual condition of His people that God was speaking about through Jeremiah:

"For thus says the Lord:
‘Your affliction is incurable,
Your wound is severe.
There is no one to plead your cause,
That you may be bound up;
You have no healing medicines.
All your lovers have forgotten you;
They do not seek you;
For I have wounded you with the wound of an enemy,
With the chastisement of a cruel one,
For the multitude of your iniquities,
Because your sins have increased.
Why do you cry about your affliction?
Your sorrow is incurable.
Because of the multitude of your iniquities,
Because your sins have increased,
I have done these things to you."

~Jeremiah 30:12-15 

The affliction of God's people was incurable and, therefore, their grief was incurable. They had no way to erase their sin or mitigate their sorrow. And without Jesus, we are in the same boat.

The penalty of death for sin introduced in the Garden of Eden did not come from Satan or some "cosmic law of morality." It was God's judgment. God made the rule and, when the rule was broken, God imposed the punishment -- yes, on His friend, Adam; yes, on His daughter, Eve; yes, on all His glorious creation wrought by His perfect design. And that is completely consistent with who God is. These days people would rather pass judgment on God. "Why would God do that? Well, the punishment hardly fits the crime." 

Let's say I walked into your home and noticed a large bowl of colorful candies on the counter. You see my eyes go to the bowl, and you warn me I am not to eat them. Knowing, in reality, they are not candies, but but medication which is highly toxic to anyone with the last name Murphy, you say, if I eat them I will die. First of all, you have a reasonable expectation of your rule being honored. It is, after all, your home; you are extending your hospitality to me. Furthermore, I was not misinformed or insufficiently informed. If I choose to disobey your rule, I do so fully aware of the consequences, eyes wide open. "Such a small thing, to eat a piece of candy from a bowl full of many," I reason. "Surely, I will not die." Famous last words, you might say.

 But, if God is love how could He sentence His own creation to death? Because God is also Law. It is because of His righteous and just character that He can deliver such a judgment, even on those He loves. It's because of His merciful and loving character, He made a way of escape even for those of us who have broken His law.

Just like Israel, my affliction was incurable -- but for Someone greater, Someone perfect in every way, to pay the price I was sentenced to pay. No one in or of this world is suitable to plead my case. There is no remedy, elixir, or vaccine capable of making me acceptable or unworthy of death. Those who lured me, accompanied me, conspired with me, encouraged me, or followed me into sin are unable and, I'm sure, unwilling to plead for me or be my proxy before the Throne of Judgment. I have been sentenced by the Living God. There is no point objecting to, or complaining and crying about my situation. I earned every ounce of condemnation, and there  is no escaping justice from the hand of a just God.


God does not contradict Himself. Every aspect of His character works together perfectly. But for the mercy and love of a just and loving God, of a perfect and relational God, I had zero hope of escaping that to which I was entitled. But for the grace and power of a just and loving God, of a perfect and relational God, I had zero hope of procuring that to which I was not entitled (in the least): salvation from death, the hope of glory, a new nature, and the opportunity to do wonderful things for the kingdom of God. Jesus Christ our Lord is the only cure for the incurable.

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