Friday, December 11, 2020

A Dying Wish

I recently had a birthday. Time waits for no man, right? I think we all wonder something about death: when? how? what will I be doing when it happens? My brother, a pastor, joined Jesus in Heaven a little while back. One morning, he sat down to study his sermon notes, no doubt talking to and focused on his Father in Heaven, and in the blink of an eye, found himself face to face with the very One he had only known dimly. What a glorious blessing! I imagine I'd like to be sorting clothes in our church thrift shop when the Lord says, "It's time to go." Or, studying Scripture and sharing those lessons through the printed word when He reaches for my hand! Wouldn't that be a tale to bring glory to the Lord's name? But the truth is, He may not "catch" me doing the things that bring Him glory. Why? Because I don't always obey. If I am sincere about bringing Him glory, if my dying wish is to exalt His name in all I say, think and do, obedience is the only way to get it done.

There's an old Gospel song, "When He Was on the Cross, I Was on His Mind." It's a touching sentiment, but Jesus didn't die for the exclusive purpose of saving me -- or you. 1 Timothy 2:3-4, tells us our Savior desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. His sacrifice was the only means by which we can be restored in relationship with the Father; His blood is the only sufficient atonement; and only He was willing and able to bear the wrath due us. So, He willing laid down His life for the salvation of men. He wants that to happen, but without His obedience to the Father, none of that would be possible. He had to go with the Father's plan. He had to submit to the Father's will. Even in Gethsemane, He prayed three times, if there would be some other way, but "not as I will, but You will." It's clear He was fighting to resist temptation. His dying wish was to bring His Father glory through obedience, but it was going to be the hardest thing He could ever do. Nevertheless, Jesus laid down His life in obedience to the Father. Jesus' life, death, and resurrection accomplished a number of things, but they were all because Jesus obeyed; it was His obedience that brought glory to the Father, fulfilling His "dying wish." 

It's a silly little thing, really, but when I was in elementary school I learned a little acronym to remind me how to have true joy in life:

J - Jesus
O - Others
Y - You

My purpose is to bring glory to the Father by putting His Son first, just as Jesus' purpose is to bring glory to the Father -- above all else. Our relationships with others follow. Our interactions with others are an excellent means of demonstrating obedience and bringing glory to the Lord, much the same way the elect, those Jesus died to save were given to Him by the Father that He might bring the Father glory through them. As Jesus hung, bleeding and dying on the cross (obedience) He brought glory to God (purpose) -- His "dying wish."

So, what is yours? Is there a bucket list of things you wish to complete? Skydiving or running with the bulls in Pamplona? Is there something you wish to leave behind for generations? A record of all your accomplishments or family heirlooms passed down for centuries? It is the things of the Lord that will remain forever. It's wonderful to dream we will be doing the things that please the Lord most when He calls us home, but each of us needs to ask, "Based on my daily habits, is it likely that will happen?" And then, we must do all we can to improve the likelihood. That, requires obedience, of course, and a no holds barred, all in, fully sold out dying wish to glorify the Lord. 

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