Monday, May 25, 2020

Let Us Love One Another

Have you ever pulled up to a traffic light and seen someone passionately, heedlessly rocking out in their car? I love that! Have you ever just sat quietly and watched people go about their shopping or play in a park? I can get lost for hours in photos that capture the mundane as well as poignant moments in the lives of human beings. And nothing rivals watching my church family take communion! Those who dress for comfort. Those who dress traditionally. Those who dress for style. Those who remain at the rail for moments on end. Those who barely touch down, and head back to their seats, heads bowed low. Those who lift their cup in offering. Those who sing; those who pray. The short, the tall. The dark, the light. The homeless, the well-to-do. The locals, the travelers. And, one day, many of these -- myself included -- will offer our thanks, not before an altar of wood, crafted by human hands in a church erected more than a century ago, but a throne, older than time itself and occupied by the Most High God. Oh, glory!

My father's family has a glorious history of faith, men and women who defied tradition, broke ranks, and even suffered imprisonment and loss to follow Jesus as they believed the Bible instructed and the Holy Spirit led them. I once overheard a Christian sister tell another, "I'll be praying for you," because they disagreed on the specifics of the rapture. Did she need prayer for that?! Christ's disciples came from all different walks, and still do. Christ's disciples began to look more and more diverse the further the Gospel spread, and still do. Christ's disciples worshiped in many different ways and languages, and we still do. And no two walks are ever the same. So, why do we have more denominations and sects and divisions than, I believe, the body of Christ should ever have? By all appearances, Nicodemus' relationship with Jesus was very different from the woman with the alabaster flask. Yet, both loved and followed Christ. Imagine Nicodemus chastising the woman for being so emotional, or the woman criticizing Nicodemus for being so rational. Can we focus on Christ, and rest on His ability and authority to judge?

I have friends whom I would consider much more liberal than I. However, I know they are saved; I know they are my brothers and sisters in the Lord. I do not question their salvation simply because they listen to music I don't, or go places I would not, or refuse to read the same authors I do. I am more conservative because I know how quickly I can let things slide. I am more conservative because I am following the path Christ has set before me. I am more conservative because I find life a little more daunting when I don't keep up with some of the things that have become part of my relationship with Jesus. Eternal life is not just something I anticipate one day; it is the life that began the moment I began to seek Jesus. I long for a day in which I will see Jesus face to face and kneel in His presence; but I desire more and more of His presence in me today. I am more conservative because this is how I identify with Christ. I don't want to miss a second, an ounce, a whisper of anything He has for me! I want to stay as close to Him as possible. And this is me, rocking out passionately, heedlessly with Jesus.

One day, when all of Christ's followers stand before the throne with only one purpose and one Focus -- worshiping the One True God -- the beauty and diversity of it all will put any of our efforts at inclusion to shame and will proclaim, once again, the magnitude and awesomeness of our God!

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