Wednesday, April 8, 2020

We Will Serve the Lord Loudly, If He Requires

It was almost three years ago when Scott asked, "Remember how quiet it was before we were doing God's work?" I can't even recall the circumstances, but the naivete of that question has become so obvious to me. I want to travel back to that moment, lay my hand across his lips and say, "Don't. Trust me. Just, don't."

All joking aside, Mom is turning ninety this year. For her eighty-fifth, I packed her bags, took her to breakfast and home to our house. That was five years ago, and she's been with us ever since. It was evident she could no longer live alone. For days she asked when she could go home. We did all we could to reassure her, to try to protect her dignity, to make things "homey" for her, and to help her adjust. But the adjustment was not only on her.

Scott and I had worked around our opposing work schedules for years. I had my days to clean and write and study my Bible, and dote on him by cooking his favorites. He had his evenings to watch whatever he chose with no running commentary from me. 😏 Now, I had Mom trailing me from one end of the house to the other, staring at me as I read or ate or checked the mail or fed the dogs... Sometimes I'd give her something to do; within minutes she'd forget what she was doing, or give up in discouragement. Scott, who was accustomed to coming home to a happy, Type-A, introvert wife, now walked in the door from work each day, and was greeted by a woman bleary-eyed from watching multiple episodes of "The Rifleman" and thoroughly exhausted from having someone in her bubble all day. After an entire thirty minutes or so of quality time together, I'd head up to bed, he'd grab a quick shower and begin "Mom"sitting for the remainder of his evening, a time of day when she is at her uneasiest. Our home was no longer our own, and neither was our time. Nevertheless, we adapted. When Mom's condition would take something else from her, we'd try a new thing and another new thing until we were able to manage again. And then...

Just over a year ago we got word of a situation. Some children -- two to be exact -- were in need of housing. There was no question about stepping up; the looming question was "How?!" They were young, preschool; we were old, pre-retirement. I was to begin seeing a rheumatologist for what my family doctor believed was scleroderma. We had just been through a rough season financially and emotionally, but had saved enough for a restorative getaway or two, and had a few kind souls willing to help with Mom. All of that was about to become inconsequential very quickly. God was calling us to work, and trust, and pray in a way we'd never dreamed.

In fact, Scott and I dreamed of going to Africa. We dreamed of a non-profit which provided home repairs to those in need. We dreamed of rescuing more pit bulls. We dreamed of serving God in our neighborhood, in our church. We dreamed of Bible studies and gatherings in our home. All of which, we believed, were some really good dreams. All of which left us relaxing in quiet on our deck, breathing in crisp evening breezes, counting stars and patting ourselves on the backs. Obviously, not what we would admit was our initial motivation, but could I see that happening? Absolutely. God's dream, at least for now, is that no one goes home. The service we do for Him is 24-7. No time for accolades except to Him. For the ways He continually provides. For the ways He already had things mapped out for us months and years before all this began. For the ways He has protected us and guarded us over and over. For His great love for us and those within our home, that He would make a way and give us the privilege of being a part of it. For the softening of our hearts -- previously, currently and in the future -- that allows us to be of use to a God who desires good for His creation.

Barely a day passes that is not a story in and of itself. The ways in which God has supplied all we've needed and then some has filled journal after journal. The things I have learned, no university education could match. A time is coming soon when I will have the opportunity to share more about this current adventure, but for now, be willing and be encouraged. Know that whatever dream He calls you to will be for His glory and your good. Know that whatever task He asks of you, He will equip you exactly as the need requires. And know that while things might get a little noisy, I'd keep that to myself if I were you.

1 comment:

  1. Cried all the way through....This is the story of the amazingly awesome (and flesh-killing) life that God has given to those who whose hearts are set on Him alone. Just say yes when God calls, let Him manage the details.....Thank you Judi for always sharing with such honesty.
