Thursday, April 16, 2020

Are You up to the Challenge?

Chances are, your Easter celebration was pretty different this year. Funny how the others can seem so dull until one like this comes along, one that keeps us from the ordinary. Americans, in particular, are a fickle bunch. We complain about the same ol' same ol', until things change. How many Easters or Christmases or birthdays have you celebrated? Chances are, you celebrate them in pretty much the same way with the same people. If you're like me, months before, you promise yourself you're going to "do things a little differently this year"; but as the day approaches, you seek comfort in familiar traditions. But familiar -- especially when it comes to our relationships -- can be dangerous. We can fall into a rut, allow the mundane to overshadow the extraordinary. And, in our relationship with the Lord, it can cause us to miss the message.

The other day, I was reading Matthew's account of Jesus' Resurrection. The Marys came to the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea on the first day of the week. Three days before, Jesus had been laid to rest there. And, praise God, He did not! When the women arrived, a great earthquake occurred, the stone to the tomb was rolled away from the opening, and an angel sat atop the stone. I've always loved the visual impact of that! To me, it just screams, "Victory!" Matthew describes the appearance of this angel, and says the menacing Roman guards "became like dead men." So, nobody in the grave, two dead-looking thugs outside the tomb, and the Marys dumbfounded (I would imagine) before this magnificent form. Loosely paraphrased, the angel says, "Relax, I know why you're here. You're looking for Jesus, but He is gone;" and, in case they misunderstood, the messenger clarifies: "He is risen just like He foretold." No doubt what that means! Resurrection! Proof everything Jesus promised is true and will be found true! Then the angel says, "Come see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly and tell the others." Come and see! Don't just take my word for it; see for yourself! Come closer and make sure you know. There it is! The message! 

When I was about four years old, I heard about Hell. There aren't too many four-year olds who don't want to please their grown-ups, and I think, even fewer who, when confronted with the truth about Hell, would want to go there. My childish mind was persuaded to "accept Jesus into my heart." I had no idea what that meant. A grown-up told me I needed to pray and read my Bible, but I had no idea why. To please God, I guess. Unless it was to complete an assignment, I never cracked it open.

It was March 21, 1995. I'd just discovered my husband, at the time, had been unfaithful with a married woman. It was chaos. She and my husband were still working together; her husband had discovered the infidelity which began when our youngest was less than a month old. Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, I surrendered it all to Jesus and stopped crying. I wanted Him to change all this, and I knew I had to start reading the Scriptures for that to happen. But I still didn't know why. Blessing, I guess. But Lucky Charms are nothing more than cereal -- nine years later, we split up for good.

October 2004, alone with two children, I was as terrified as I was relieved, the nightmare was over. But I knew I needed Someone big to get me through it. Back on my face, talking to God again, and searching the Bible for wisdom, and strength, and whatever else I was gonna need to see this through, and suddenly (!) I didn't want to. I didn't want to "see it through." I didn't want to do the right thing or the next thing. I didn't want things to change. I wanted to change. I wanted transformation from the ground up! I wanted a relationship with my Father through His Son, my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. I wanted peace and joy and victory -- not because I earned them, but because those things are found in Him! It suddenly made sense! And I wanted to see it, to experience it, to know it for myself. The Holy Spirit urged me, "Come and see; don't simply take My word for it. See for yourself!"

Psalm 34:8 says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." Malachi 3:10 commands God's people to bring Him what He is due, saying, "Test Me in this, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out a blessing without measure!" God and His promises stand. His character is immutable and beyond reproach. His promises cannot be confuted or negated. That is the message! God is not afraid of legislation , or popular opinion, or time, or change, or familiarity. Quite the opposite! He issues a challenge:

"Come and see! Don't just take My word for it; see for yourself! Come closer and make sure you know."

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