Friday, January 4, 2019

Do This and Live

How serious are you about all of this? I "heard" the question one morning as I was on my way to work. I'd been praying about a situation in which others are ruled by foolishness and pride; adults who have been helped and counseled, who are free to make their own choices, but have made some really terrible ones -- and will vigorously tell you they are victims. Folks, some might say, are simply "getting what they asked for." And I will be honest, there is a part of me that wants to think just that; but then, there's that question. How serious are you about all of this? How serious are you about all this praying for change, for eyes to be opened? How serious are you about wanting to see God glorified in all of this?

Before I had a chance to defend myself, the "voice" continued. Feed My lambs. That's not exactly what the voice said, but that was definitely the gist. Make something happen. Get out and do something about it. Create the opportunity for My glory to be revealed through your actions. Now, I know, had I been given the chance to answer the first question, I would have said how earnest I am. I would have said just how much I love the Lord; I want others to see Him through me. I want Him to use my life for His glory alone. But the Holy Spirit wasn't going to allow me the luxury of passive justification. I was being called to action, and trust me when I tell you, this action was not rational; this action was going to make things messy; this action was going to cause me problems. Feed my sheep.

Days later, as I sat in our weekly Bible study, the Holy Spirit stirred in me again. In Luke 10:25, a lawyer, wanting to test Jesus asks, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus responds by asking not only what the law says, but how this man understands it. The lawyer speaks of a complete love for God -- heart, soul, strength and mind -- and loving others as we love ourselves. "And Jesus said to him, 'You have answered rightly; do this and you will live.'" (v.28, emphasis mine) Our understanding of Scripture is personal. As we read, the Holy Spirit opens our minds and hearts to the truth, but as we understand, we are called to further action. Do this and you will live.

When the Holy Spirit spoke to me that morning, He called me beyond understanding, to action -- an action, I thought was pretty extreme. Put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.

-- In every situation, point to Jesus: A godly response to circumstances or dialogue. When others reveal their victories or defeats, respond by pointing them to Jesus.

-- Actively seek situations in which to reveal Christ to others: Put yourself in a place to share Jesus with others. Serve meals at a shelter; reveal your story to others, in light of the Gospel.

-- Create opportunities to let Light shine: Host an event or Bible study, allowing the Holy Spirit to plan your guest list; adopt a child; reconcile with an enemy.

As our relationship with Jesus unfolds, He reveals, we understand. But as that understanding matures, we are tasked with giving it human form. Do this and live.

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