Thursday, August 16, 2018


Somewhere in the mosquito world there is a picture of me with a headline in bold print:

WANTED: Eaten Alive!

Mosquitoes flock to me like moths to a flame, like cat hair to a sweater, like -- well, you get the idea. If there are eighty people in the room and one mosquito, that mosquito will find me and extract every drop of blood it possibly can before that corpulent little sucker (literally) collapses in euphoria on a windowsill somewhere.

The other morning I sat down at my desk and it began -- that high-pitched, weed-whacker in overdrive sound. Contrary to popular (or not so popular) belief, you can hear it coming. (see "When You Hear Nothing, Look Out!") So, there it was, humming in my ear. tzzzzzz! I swatted. And I felt its wispy little wings across my face. I swatted again. tzzzzzzz! Over to the other ear. "This is going to be a long day," I thought. tzzzzzz! tzzzzzz! In the midst of all this swatting and humming I had things to do. Phones to answer. Drivers to direct. And before I knew it, I was engrossed in what I was supposed to be doing. Several minutes later, I was making room for the next round of paperwork, and there, beneath my keyboard...

It was a beautiful sight. Vanquished! And I hadn't even been trying.

God does that sometimes. Think about your need for a Savior. Two thousand years ago, did you know you needed one? You weren't around two thousand years ago, you say? Exactly my point! Even before God sent His Son, even before Jesus died and rose again, God knew we needed a Savior. Thousands of years before we were even born provision was made, a plan was in place -- and what did we have to do to for it? Nothing! God already had it covered. Our Savior paid for each sin on the cross -- He was full propitiation; and He conquered death and rose from the tomb. Our enemy vanquished!

Now, I could have gone on swatting and dodging the humming in my head for the rest of my day, but there was no need -- my disgusting, parasitic tormentor was dead. Vanquished! And all I had to do was believe it! I didn't slay that vile beast, but I didn't go on in fear either. I accepted the beast was dead, gone, and I went about the business to which I was called.

Be blessed today and walk in the freedom that belongs to those who serve Jesus Christ our Lord!

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