Thursday, August 2, 2018

A Comfortable Life

Her humming was becoming louder and louder. Mom was sitting in the kitchen, directly below my office, as I attempted to read the Genesis account of God's call to Abram. Like the beat of Poe's "Telltale Heart", I couldn't take it anymore. "Forget it. I'll just go get her breakfast." But it was hours before she normally eats, and she was simply having coffee. Mom was safe and content. "I just want my home to be normal again."

Our pastor spoke on Abram a few weeks back. He called attention to God's command for Abram to go out of his country, away from his family, and from his father's house. God took Abram away from a place he was established, comfortable, prospering, that He (God) might do something for an entire people. God did not hide the fact, there would be something in it for Abram -- "I will make you a great nation, I will bless you and make your name great..." -- but those were "will"s and "would be"s. When Abram packed up the clan and all their possessions, he had nothing but a promise; it was because of his belief in that promise, he left all he knew. That is faith: walking out our belief.

I believe God gave Jesus to die for my sin. I believe Jesus rose from the dead and reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords. I believe the presence of the Holy Spirit in me is His guarantee of all He has promised. Presumably, it is because of those beliefs, I seek to bring glory to my Heavenly Father, to proclaim the name of Jesus, and to follow the Holy Spirit's direction.

For a long time, I chose to remain trapped in my past. Although Jesus had delivered me, stepping into the light of redemption and newness of life was far too scary for me. One day God showed me the toll that darkness was taking, and I moved toward His Light. Scott joined me on my journey, and we built this fabulous life together. Our home was safe and comfortable, a haven of rest and healing. I needed the familiarity and tranquility of our home.

And then came Mom. Mom is no trouble at all -- she really isn't. But with Mom came banana peels on the coffee pot, a full-sized adult with the hygiene of a toddler, mounds of tissues in the laundry, unexplained sound effects, anxious pacing, nights of unrest, and baggage. Baggage I carried for years, baggage I shed, baggage that sickens me has been brought, quite literally, to my doorstep. Suddenly, my home is not the comfortable, healing place it was before; and God is calling me to love.

God is telling me I no longer need my place of comfort, but The Comforter. It is time to leave my place of refuge, for The Rock. God is removing my place of peace that He might be my Peace. God is transforming my place of healing that I might better know The Healer. There was a time of learning and renewal that took place within our cozy little home; but it is time for something more, to stretch and mature. And if I will walk out my beliefs, if I will go forward in faith, if I will leave comfort to Him, God will do something for His glory and my good.

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