Saturday, April 21, 2018

Fearlessness in All Things Big AND Small


I just love this video. This is Bentley. Bentley has irrational fears of very common things: shiny floors, cords, reflections, hallways. All the things he might encounter on a typical day. When it comes to his best friend's helicopter, however, Bentley is fearless!

As I watched this video, it reminded me a bit of me. You see, I've done divorce, childhood abuse, car accidents, the rejection of my own children -- just to name a few. The "big" things are easy for me. After all, what am I going to do against cancer? So, I go to my prayer closet and lay it all before my best Friend, Jesus. And it's done with.

The little things, however? Bills that never seem to stop coming; the filthy bathrooms at work; the kind neighbor who, on a regular basis, feels compelled to park across my driveway; pen points that break, leaving half the ink in blobs on the pages of my journal and the other half in the tube I'm forced to throw in the trash. Little things. The crazy things that can set me to panic or cause me to completely lose my cool.

That is until a few short years ago, when all those little things -- "gnats", I call them -- seemed to have declared war on us. Day after day, they came. Maybe, collectively, I could see them as one big thing, and that sparked my surrender; but I finally did, I finally gave all those little things to Jesus. And, today, when those gnats begin to swarm, I stop swatting and start praying. Eventually, I'm just as content and undoubting sitting next to my best Friend as Bentley is with his.

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