Monday, January 22, 2018

Show Me Some ID Please (Part One)

Identity is important. To those who govern and control the business end of life -- birth certificates, driver's licenses, credit scores. To society -- geeks, jocks, posers and wanna-bes, Millenials, type As, slackers and suck-ups. To our families -- "Aunt Judi", "Mom" -- and our friends.

Identity is important to us. Years ago, people went on retreat to "find" themselves. Today, people need "me" time. I caught the tail end of a broadcast yesterday, that was talking about our identities resting in what we do -- works-based, or achievement-driven identity. Last night, a friend was frustrated by people who see his identity as a contradiction -- the things he does or likes versus the color of his skin -- rather than embracing his identity comprehensively. Once you've "found" yourself, or discovered who you are -- if you like that person -- it seems important to hold onto who you are.

But, do you know how important identity is to God? In the Hebrew tradition, a name defined its owner in some way: birth order, physical characteristics, even future aspirations. My mother chose Judi, a derivative of Judah -- "blessed by God" -- for reasons other than it's true meaning. God, however, has fulfilled that prophecy! Bless His name! Throughout the Bible, names have been changed -- not to protect the innocent, but to reflect the innocent! As men and women walked more closely with God, and began to resemble Him and His righteousness, their names were changed to reflect the change in their lives. New identities for new creations! And He wants our identities even today. That's right. Those identities we've worked so hard to establish and guard? He wants us to let them go.

The folks on the radio broadcast were discussing the importance of an identity founded on Christ. It only makes sense that an identity based on the things I have done or am capable of doing would crumble as the things I did lost their significance or I became unable to do them any longer. An identity built upon an athletic career collapses as records are broken and the body deteriorates. Identity that hinges on the bottom line of a bank account -- well, the crash before the Great Depression yielded suicide after suicide. Identity dependent upon volatile or temporary criteria will suffer when that criteria is tested or its time runs out.

Identity that is surrendered to Christ will endure. Surrendered.

Mom often tells me I am nice. I feed her; I help dress her; I do those "nice" things for her. But that doesn't always accurately reflect what is in my heart. Those "nice" things don't always reflect the characteristics of my old identity still lurking. In fact, when Mom says that -- even when others say that -- I don't usually respond; I know the ugliness that lives inside. Sure, it all looks OK on the outside: my behavior is submitted to Christ, and so, I serve her; but some days inner me is just screaming, "Me! Me! Me!" The selfish, sinful part of my identity wants her way now! The selfish, sinful part of me does not want to surrender. The Holy spirit convicts me of that -- a lot lately, to tell you the truth. God wants the neurotic, self-serving, fearful, angry, arrogant me. He wants her so that He can make something new, something that resembles Him, something that will cause others to see Him revealed, and will ultimately bring Him the glory He so richly deserves. He has brought so many of my unsurrendered moments to my attention lately, that I almost look forward to it. I want it all gone. I want to know where those characteristics of my old identity lie so I can repent of them, pray about them, and seek Scriptures wisdom to root them out!

So, just who is it God wants you and I to be? We'll look at some aspects of our identity in Scripture tomorrow.

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