Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Midweek: Rescue

The following is from K.J. Ramsey's meditation on Psalm 18:19 in The Book of Common Courage.

He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me.
~ Psalm 18:19

O Lord, our Rock and Refuge,

Our desire for integrity has outweighed our wish to protect ourselves from being wounded.

God, remind us of the blessing that only the broken can hear.

Show us that the storms raging within us are but small shadows of the storm of Your fury to fight for our justice and vindication.

Confirm that in leaving people and places, we have not left Your blessing behind. It follows us like the rain of tears down our cheeks.

Lift our eyes to the cross, where Jesus' broken body still speaks through groans that it is among the broken that Your blessing resides.

For You are not only our Rock.

You are our Rescue.

~ K.J Ramsey, The Book of Common Courage

Photo courtesy Mark Sutherland


  1. He follows me Judi. Through hell and back but I have learned so much throughout my journey
    I wouldn’t have missed a thing
    Knowing and seeing how His plan was worth the journey. I love your posts. And YOU too

    1. I love you, too. God is good! As we give all to Him, we begin to see as He sees.
