Monday, July 4, 2022

Back to Basics

In December of last year we were forced to bid goodbye to our canine queen, Tinkerbell. As difficult as it was, our vet had only given her until Thanksgiving, and at fourteen+ years of age, she was far too sick for us to prolong her discomfort any further. March hadn't hit double digits before a friend called, asking if we were interested in a dog. The pup had already been through a lot and had some anxiety. Routine and calm were going to be key to her development. Easier said than done. The first couple of weeks were ruff! (See what I did there?) Sixty-five pounds of puppy energy pulling and nipping day in and day out --everything hurt. She chewed my husband's belongings most of all, and she was quick as lightning. Each evening Scott got home was another round of "How did she get my slippers this time?!" and each morning, another prognosis of failure. In desperation I contacted a trainer.

I had heard the hardest part of training any animal is training the human. When our lessons concluded I was filled with confidence; I had goals and a plan to reach them. Several weeks later, the wheels fell off. I'd grown lax when it came to practicing some of our disciplines. I hadn't been praising her and encouraging her in her work. The copious snuggles and treats she'd been receiving were mere handouts, expressions of care that made me feel good rather than establishing a sense of purpose for her. My lack of direction was starting to show in her behavior. Time to get back to basics. I once again asserted my role as leader. I required her to look at me before doing certain things rather than allowing her to anticipate the next directive. I encouraged her to work for treats and lavish praise. We went back to regular training "appointments" each day, and I challenged her to do things which initially made her apprehensive. I reinstated my goal to gently push her to her full potential.

And that's when I saw it. Luci needs me to lead her and schedule her day: it provides her with security. Luci needs me to remind her to watch me: it will keep her safe. Luci needs me to hold her accountable: that gives her purpose. Luci needs me to walk with her into special circumstances that might make her uneasy: that builds her courage and confidence in me as her leader. Luci needs me to help her become all she can be: it makes life more fulfilling. And I don't mean to be trite, but what a clear picture of the ways in which we depend on God the Father, our Heavenly Authority. If we allow God to lead us and schedule our days we can know we are right where we need to be when we need to be there. What comfort! If we keep our eyes on the Lord, we will see His help and His protection in every circumstance. If we are walking in obedience to the Lord, we will partake of the plan and purpose He has for us. When we are challenged by situations that might take us out of our comfort zone, God just might be developing our confidence in Him. If we trust God will use all circumstances for our good, we can know all things can be used to develop us and make our lives full.

Trust me, there are days when I am no more onboard with what God has planned than Luci is with my program. But the Holy Spirit reminds me there is something more to this than doing what I wish when I choose, and God is patient. He will take me all the way back to the basics if that's what I require: Set your eyes on Me. Know who I am. Depend on Me.

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