Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Communion, Commemorate, Come Celebrate!

"Good morning, Church," he announced. "We're getting ready to take communion, and I'm supposed to read the Bible." His casual, off-the-cuff introduction was typical of this brother. He approaches all he has to do with so little pretense; it is a gift that gives him a very interesting perspective of things. "So, I'm gonna read, and then my wife here is going to say a short prayer." As he began to read, he struggled with the fine print. Glasses on. Glasses off. His wife pulled the Bible further away which seemed to improve the situation and he was able to complete that which he was "supposed" to do. His wife began to pray. Quietly. He turned so his lapel mic would pick up her voice, but it was still quite weak. He stood a bit on tip-toe and leaned in further. A strange sight, but effective. 

The invitation over, we all moved toward the rail at the front of the church. As I knelt down, I felt someone's fingertips on my shoulder. To the left of me beamed a face as bright as her ninety-watt smile. "I moved!" she whispered. "Oh, my goodness! That's so wonderful!" I whispered back. A long-awaited, much prayed-for event. "I sleep so much more soundly and wake up happy," she celebrated. "Oh, I still have my aches and pains," she whispered, "but I feel so much better!" I gave her arm a squeeze and leaned into her. "Praise the Lord!" we said, and bowed our heads to pray silently.

Later in the day, I was texting the woman who had prayed:

"Taking communion. 
S'posed to be think' 'bout Jesus. I'm thinkin' 'bout how cute you two are."

And I was. Not entirely, mind you. But I was admiring how they support one another; I can't imagine one without the other. I was thinking that's what marriage is supposed to be, and the marriage of Jesus and His Church, even more so. I was thinking how blessed I am to be in this community of believers. Believers who have trouble seeing or being heard. Believers who are so excited about an address change, they can't wait to celebrate it at the dinner table. Believers who serve one another and rejoice with one another. I was thinking what a privilege it is to be invited to Christ's table in this place and on the guest list with this unique but loving family. I was thinking about the Twelve gathered around Jesus in His last hours and what a noisy, imperfect bunch they must have been; so many different personalities and no painting to show them how to behave. I was thinking how the word "communion" stems from the bringing of people together for a common purpose, and though we come together in quiet reverence most of the time, sometimes that coming together requires a bit of unsophisticated, unscripted, only somewhat hushed sharing. I was thinking about how far God has brought me --from the person who would have scolded her children for such antics at the altar, to one who relishes the thought of joining in such revelry before the throne. 

However you commune --at the rail, in your pew, virtually-- by all means commemorate, but don't forget to celebrate.

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