Friday, April 30, 2021

Faith Over Fair

Mom always rooted for the underdog. She taught me to do the same. I was a social justice warrior before I was out of elementary school. If Damon took Sal's lunch, I couldn't sleep at night. If Desiree said something awful about Tanya, I was right in the middle of it. And when a teacher graded in a manner I thought was unfair, there was Mom, betraying me: "Life isn't fair. That's just the way it is." What?! 

I've learned that life isn't fair. And I'm trying to remember that's okay. I'll be honest with you, I seem to do better with the "big" things. The big things are, well, big. Nothing you can do about the heater that dies except put on a sweater and trust God for a new heater. Nothing you can do about a layoff except stock up on Ramen and trust God for another job. These are the things that are out of our control. Yes, there may be grief; yes, there may be moments of fear and uncertainty, but sooner or later, there's nothing to do but get it together, remember God is in control, and sit back to watch Him do what He does. 

But, it's those pesky little things, the things that make more work for me, the mistakes other people make or shortcuts other people take, the things that are simple and should go smoothly, that seem to raise my Irish and send me into the latest rendition of "It's not fa-a-air." Just this week we were overbilled for a service, received what were clearly the wrong parts, purchased a program we are as yet unable to access, and received a bill for something we returned in January. Leg work. Lots and lots of leg work, and it's not fair. SPOILER ALERT: The same God that's in charge of the big things is in charge of all these little things as well. I only have but to wake up each day with my list in front of me, pray for His direction and begin. If I get each and every "to-do" checked off but I've snapped at Mom, kicked the dog, taken Scott's head off, and made enemies in every customer service department across the United States, what have I accomplished from an eternal perspective? And isn't that why I'm here? I'm not really here to make sure every dime is accounted for. I'm not really here to worry about what color hinges we install. I am here to be salt and light to a perishing world. I am here to bring glory to God by being an ambassador of His Son. And while I may not get treated "fairly" in the process, it's not about me. It is, however, about my Father who, loves the underdog as well. It is in the unfairness of life He does some of His greatest work. It is in the unfairness of life He dishes out some of His greatest blessings. 

It's time to embrace the unfair, big and small. It's time to walk in faith over fair. And watch God do what He does.

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