Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Christmas Dresses

It fit like a glove. It was bright red, and soft, and may have been the first in a young girl's memory. The Christmas dress. An unremarkable woman's attempt at bringing some hope to a bad situation. The smile on the young girl's face was tentative. They barely knew one another, and pleasing the other was something they were still learning to do. But as their exchange continued, trust emerged, and they began to leave the thrift store with their purchase.

"Where did it go?"


"Where did it go?! The dress. The red dress that was hanging right here!"

"I just bought it," the unremarkable woman replied.

"Oh, no! I just paid the lady for it! I was buying it for a little girl who needs a family. My church and I are trying to give her a good Christmas."

The unremarkable woman and the young girl exchanged glances. They had family. They were family. And they handed the bright red Christmas dress over to the little girl with no one but strangers.

"Please pray for this little girl," said the lady with the Christmas dress.

And they did. The unremarkable woman and the young girl.

"We heard what happened with the Christmas dress," said others. "We'd like to give you this."

The bag was bigger than the young girl. Two perfect Christmas dresses, two beautiful pairs of shoes, and more hope than the unremarkable woman could ever give a young girl. A sweet indulgence crafted by the One who knows each sparrow that falls and faithful servants who obeyed His voice.

Merry Christmas to all!

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