Sunday, June 23, 2019

Do You Know Jesus?

"I know Jesus." It's a pretty bold statement. Or maybe it's a pretty crazy statement. How do you know someone who walked the earth -- the other side of the earth -- almost two thousand years ago? How do you know someone you've never actually laid eyes on? Well, I know Him because He is God. Because He is God, manufactured timetables have no hold on Him. He is not bound by the elements of time or space; so where He walked (past tense) does not limit where He walks today or my ability to know Him. His ability to appear right before my eyes is not in question; because He is God, He can do as He chooses. It is, however, my ability to see Him that depends on my willingness and my observation. And as for His death, He was physically resurrected that I might be completely resurrected (once in spirit, once in body); a resurrection that guarantees mine. And yet, it is because of my resurrection I am most assured of His life, the finished work of His death, and the veracity of His resurrection.

One of my most gracious coworkers once paid me the highest compliment I could ever receive. She said, "When it comes to Christians, you are the real deal." She had grown up in the church, had met her share of "religious" folk, and had little time for those who served on Sunday but had no compassion by Monday. She could see there was a difference in me (not because of me, but because of Jesus in me) from those who say they believe in Jesus but don't necessarily know Jesus.

This past week, a coworker was talking about a family member, "He goes to church; he's a believer like you." What do I do with that? James 2:19, says, "You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe -- and tremble!" Does he know Jesus? It is a person's knowing of, not knowledge of, Jesus that determines the relationship. It is that knowing that allows us to walk, talk, pray, give, live differently from the demons. It is that knowing that gives us freedom -- the freedom to do the impossible and unimaginable, to stand tall in the face of danger, to be joyful in dire circumstances, to grieve with hope.

Another coworker, claims to be a devout atheist. He is known for pushing the envelope personally and professionally, and thrives on upsetting people. When he comes at me with his antics and his ribald statements, he usually leaves empty-handed. Our relationship is not about me or what makes me comfortable; for now, at least, our relationship is about him, a soul crying out for the One who completes him. He does not have what it takes to be whole; he does not have all those gifts and talents that come with knowing Jesus. For now, he is in need of attention, of notoriety, of a reaction from others; he is doing all he can to count for something, but he is a person, deeply loved and designed by the God of the Universe. As one who knows Christ, and possesses every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus, I want to be the picture of grace and love that Jesus is, that this coworker and the rest of the world may say, "I know Jesus."

How much do you know about Jesus? Did you hear about Him in church as a child? Do you possess volumes of knowledge about His life, His death, His resurrection? You do well. But are you able to say, "I know Jesus"?

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