Friday, August 10, 2018

Father Knows Best

We all have habits -- some good, some not so good. Like the person who asks you a question and, before you've had a chance to even process what they've said, they are offering options. So, you allow them to finish and begin you repl-- they've interrupted again, "I could leave it over here, if you like."

"Well, I th--"

"Or, I could move it over there. I left it there yesterday." 

"If you pu--" And on it goes.

I feel like we are that way with our Heavenly Father sometimes. Before He's had a chance to answer or just as we begin to see His plan take shape we interject ourselves. Especially if it appears God's ways will make us a little bit poorer, maybe a little inconvenienced, a little more uncomfortable, perhaps a bit more humbled or less relevant. I mean, do I have to do without in order to learn gratitude? Maybe so. Through Isaiah, God tells us His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than our thoughts. Our Heavenly Father sees it all! His vision is not limited by time or walls or deceptions. He knows what is best for us and for His glory. But that's not an easy truth to swallow -- or follow.

For instance, the adult who grew up in a dysfunctional household. Of course they didn't want that! Their Father didn't want that! But those the world would called "damaged" are living, breathing examples of God's grace! God was there to do all those things a loving parent does: preserve their lives, speak encouragement to them, restore order in the midst of chaos, teach them right from wrong, love them harder and better than any other parent -- dysfunctional or otherwise -- could! Those children were raised by God Himself! It was hard. It's not what we would like to think is the right way; but it's the Father's way.

I'm going to turn things up a notch and ask you a really uncomfortable question. If the death of your newborn brought about the repentance of your wife, or your father-in-law, or a neighbor would you interrupt that plan? Would you be grateful that, because God had your child with Him, another child had come to know Him? What if -- to your knowledge -- no one came to know the Lord, if you could find no purpose in the death of your child? Would you be okay with what your Father had allowed?

Too often we prefer our suggestions, our opinions over God's. They seem to make sense. And sometimes, they definitely feel more comfortable. But, would you prefer the Father never impressed upon you the value of life or home or family or each ordinary day? Would you prefer He didn't love you enough to discipline you? Would you prefer God never propelled you forward in your faith or strengthened you in your walk with Him? Would you prefer your Father never protected you from something worse by giving you something bad? Or manipulated events to bring Him glory? (If you can answer "no" to that one, you better check yourself.)

Our Heavenly Father loves us beyond all comprehension and is sovereign beyond human ability. Trust me -- trust Him. Father knows best.

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