Friday, May 4, 2018

On a Perfect Day

Yesterday Mom and I attended the National Day of Prayer with some of the ladies in my weekly Bible study. In fact, we did our study in a nearby portion of the park just before the actual convocation began. When we arrived at the park, I carefully got Mom out of the truck, grabbed the bag of supplies we would need for the day, and held her arm as we walked to the table. Once she was situated, I got out her juice and her snack, and joined the discussions whirling about the table. Mom sat quietly, not at all engaged in our study, but she was content.

After our study, it was back to the truck to stow the bag and remove the lawn chairs. From there, I again, took Mom by the arm and walked her to a place in the shade; I set up two chairs for the presentation and prayer. And once again, Mom was not engaged but content. Less than an hour later, it was time to fold the chairs and be on our way. As Mom and I walked slowly back to the parking lot a perfect breeze blew, and I was walking with Jesus, my Lord, my King, my Friend closer than a brother.

A few weeks ago, one of those dear, sweet sisters in my study was speaking of a mutual friend whose time as caregiver for her mother is drawing near a close. "She has never felt as though she is living 'a life on hold,'" she said. And like a punch in the gut, there it was. I have plans. I have things I enjoy doing, things I want to do. Even yesterday's morning in the park was three years in the making -- finally the weather was warm enough for Mom to bear. My life is on hold.

Now, I know I have written about this before. I know I have told of various ways and times in which The Lord has spoken to my heart regarding this ministry to my mother. I know I have even said how those things have changed me. And they have. But, trust me, God is still not finished with me (Praise Him!). By His grace and mercy and love for both Mom and I, He is still speaking, still affecting me. He is looking to complete something in me. I am the one who makes it necessary for Him to repeat Himself. And so, dear reader, I repeat myself to you.

I found His mercy, once again, in His breath moving through the trees on a perfect day.

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