Wednesday, January 10, 2018

When God Gets in Your Busyness

Today I am trying something new: slowing down.

More than a year ago, my daughter's family was up for a visit. My grandson was constantly moving, constantly finding something to do. My son-in-law marveled at his perpetual activity, "He's so busy." Before I could form a single word in agreement, he added, "like his Gramma." Huh?! That has stayed with me ever since.

Just this past weekend, I was giving Scott the rundown on my plans for the day; I said, "Well, I really wanted to get ___ finished so I can sit down and relax." He finished my thought, not in quite the same way I would have, "Or so you can find something else to do." Ouch!

I love to pray, I really do. I'm just not very fond of putting away distraction long enough to do it. I want my prayer life to be more; so this is why I am listening to a series called "Prayer Prescriptions" by Dr. Michael Youssef, and this is why I was praying about my prayer life this morning.  As I prayed, the Holy Spirit took me to a very strange memory.

I used to smoke. I wasn't an Olympic smoker, like some, but I could hold my own -- especially when I was drinking. Alcohol and cigarettes just seemed to be meant for one another. I could smoke more than a pack in an evening, and not even realize it. Now, I'm pretty sure I enjoyed the first couple, but the others were consumed mechanically, without thought. Somehow, the nicotine or the ritual of holding something in my hand as I socialized, had assumed preeminence; relaxation and taste were no longer of consideration.

Now, that may not resonate with you, but God had my attention. He wasn't yet finished, though.

My eating habits came to mind. An issue a few years back left me with damaged vocal cords. Our vocal cords play an important part in protecting our lungs from the things we eat and drink. My "new normal" forced me to eat slowly and carefully so I did not aspirate. As time went on, the muscles surrounding my larynx began to compensate for all my vocal cords could no longer do, and my eating and drinking almost returned completely to what it was before -- shoveling. "Get it in; get it done." Strange thing was, I had enjoyed sitting at the table reading or listening to music and savoring my food.

And then, there was my "To Do" list. Yeah, He went there. My son-in-law's words. My husband's words. God was really in my business this morning.

Because He loves me. Because He wants all of me. Because He has promised that whatever happens when I love and follow Him will work for His glory and my good. Because an effective prayer life is a developing relationship: transparency and reverence, full disclosure and attentive listening. Because by breezing through life at warp speed, always looking for something else to do, I am not only missing out on the journey, but I am filling a void with something other than God.

I want to be able to lie down each night and thank God for all He did, not for all I got done. I want to be compulsive for God -- not lists, or food, or shopping, or sports, or any other thing. And He wants me to be compulsive for Him, every slow, thoughtful minute of His day.

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